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Doctor Recommended Fat Burners; CLA for Weight Loss

What is CLA?
CLA is a healthy fat naturally ocurring in organic dairy products and lean, grass-fed beef. There have been hundreds of clinical studies performed over the past decade into the effectiveness of CLA as a weight loss booster, cancer fighter, and heart-disease preventer. The results have been overwhelmingly positive.
CLA is proven to:
Burn Fat
Reduce Inflammation
Prevent Cancer
Lower Cholesterol
Boost Metabolism
Support Lean Muscle Growth
Increase Immune Strength

Can Eating More Fat Really Help You Burn More Fat?
Counting calories, watching fat grams, and ensuring that our diet consists of enough whole food vitamins and minerals requires quite a learning curve, but we know one thing for sure: fat is always bad. Right?
Wrong! You may be surprised to hear that there are “good fats” which are not only healthy for your diet, but will also help you to burn fat. If you have been cutting all fats out of your diet in order to lose weight, you may have been unintentionally sabotoging your efforts. The war on fat waged by our generation has contributed to a nutritional gap in the diets of many Americans. Reducing dairy intake and skipping red meat for heart health means that the average person does not consume enough CLA to rid their cells of artery-clogging triglycerides. According to some doctors, adding these dietary fats can help you burn more calories, control hunger, build lean muscle, and boost your metabolism without having to do anything else.
CLA, when consumed with a protein source, slips through the tiny fat cell membranes and attacks triglycerides. The triglycerides are broken up into pieces so small that the body can easily purge them, thereby shrinking the fat cells.

What Doctors Say About CLA for Weight Loss?
Doctors recommends CLA for weight loss because it appears to speed up the fat burning process and keep fat cells from getting bigger. They especially recommends CLA for people looking to build lean body mass while losing weight.

How Can I Add CLA to my diet?
Conjugated Linoleic Acid is a natural component of several foods, most notably unpasturized dairy products and grass-fed beef. There is some variation in the actual content of CLA found in these foods, but the indication is that it is nearly impossible to consume enough through diet alone to see a benefit. They can also be expensive and difficult to find. There are some supplement products available that will deliver a consistent, measurable amount of CLA to your body and therefore boost your body’s fat burning potential without any extra effort on your part. Nourishing World carries both a protein powder with CLA and a fermented Cod Liver Oil product with CLA.
Grass-Fed Beef
Organic, Unpasturized Dairy

Protein Powder Supplements

Cod Liver Oil Supplements

What is the recommended dosage of CLA?
3 grams per day (or 3000 mg) is the minimum dosage of CLA in clinical testing found to provide a substantial weight loss effect. Doctors recommend splitting this up into 3 servings.
Dietary Equivalents
7 pounds of Grass-Fed Beef
4 gallons of Milk
500 mg per serving in a Dietary Supplement like Light’N-Up
500 mg per serving in a Dietary supplement like Butter Oil and Cod Liver Oil

Are There Any Side Effects of CLA?
Researchers recommend that CLA supplements be taken with food rich in protein in order to prevent GI side effects. It is not recommended for use by people with diabetes because of its potential to cause insulin sensitivity.
Potential Side Effects:
Possible contraindication for diabetics

What CLA Supplement Does Nourishing World Recommend?

Walkabout Emu Oil is a significant source of CLA, as well as Vitamin K – Dr. Westin A Price’s Activator X. Adding a high quality emu oil supplement to your diet may help with weight loss and so much more.

Green Pasture X-Factor Gold Concentrated Butter Oil is a natural whole-food supplement which contains a beneficial dose of CLA, the potent animal fat proven to aid weight loss. Supplementing your diet with high vitamin butter oil may aid weight loss in addition to providing a long list of health benefits.

Green Pasture Blue ice Royal Blend is a combination of the Concentrated Butter Oil along with Green Pasture’s Fermented Cod Liver Oil. You get beneficial CLA as well as vitamins D3 and A. You also get lots of good omegas.

How Should I Use Green Pastures Butter Oil and Fermented Cod Liver Oil?

Green Pastures Butter Oil and Fermented Cod Liver Oil can be used as a daily supplement to promote good health and gradual, healthy weight loss. Simply take 2 Fermented Cod Liver Oil Capsules and 1 High Vitamin Butter Oil Capsule daily. (This is equal to the dosage in 2 – 750mg capsules of our Green Pastures Butter Oil/Fermented Cod Liver Oil Blend.)

By Colleen Russell

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