The Truth about Fermented Foods


Traditional cultures around the world have utilized fermentation in their diets for all of recorded history. Before modern times it was one of the best ways to preserve food, including meat and fish, without refrigeration. But fermentation has it’s own health building benefits which many traditional societies sought with production of such well known fermented foods as European kefir, yogurt, and sauerkraut, Korean kimchi, and Japanese natto just to name a few. In fact, most primitive and traditional cultures devised some form of fermentation to increase the nutritional value of their foods.

What is Fermentation?

The natural process of using enzymes, bacteria, or yeast to begin the breakdown or pre-digestion of food is called fermentation. It is entirely different from rotting or putrefaction in which oxygen fuels the growth of pathogenic organisms. Fermentation is an anaerobic process, which serves to reduce any toxicity in foods such as vegetables or meat/fish. It creates a stable food that improves digestion through the creation of prebiotics and other beneficial gut bacteria. Fermenting reduces the food to its most nutrient dense form at the same time as making it more easily absorbed and usable.

Why Ferment?

Fermentation preserves food without the need for heat or cold. Cooking foods can destroy some of the delicate nutritional structures of the vitamins, amino acids, and other potent chemicals, thus rendering the food denatured. By contrast, fermenting generally increases the nutrient composition of foods, making it easier to digest, and improving absorption. Fermented foods help to optimize the immune system through better gut health thereby strengthening the sick and promoting the overall health and vigor typical of more traditional societies. Weston A. Price, the esteemed dentist and nutritional researcher of the 20th century, was one of the first to recognize the health building characteristics of more primitive diets. One of the consistent themes he reported was the high enzymatic content of lacto-fermented foods such as vegetables, meats, fish, dairy, fruits, beverages, and condiments eaten by these traditional cultures. Dr Price attributed the robust health of many primitive groups to a diet rich in fermented foods and high quality fats as well as “Activator X”, the vitamin we know today as K, which is found abundantly in fermented foods. For more information on the dietary revelations and fact based traditional knowledge of Weston A. Price, see the Weston A. Price Foundation.

Benefits of Fermentation

  • Increased nutritional density
  • Reduced toxicity
  • Added beneficial bacteria
  • Easier digestion and improved gut health
  • Increased absorption of nutrients
  • Optimized immune system
  • May help to control body weight
  • Supports mental health

Fermented Supplements

While fermentation is a natural process that has been utilized for hundreds of years, it also requires strict controls to ensure the outcome meets today’s safety and nutritional standards. The top quality manufacturers of fermented supplements employ stringent procedures allowing only beneficial microorganisms to flourish. Nourishing World sells fermented supplements only from brands that meet or exceed our high standards for quality and safety.

Perfect Supplements

Perfect Fermented Kale and Perfect 3 Grass Blend are two of Perfect Supplement’s premier products. By fermenting kale and a perfect grass blend of organic barley, oat, and wheat grass into easily consumed powders, they have made powerful foods even more potent. Both Perfect Fermented Kale and Perfect 3 Grass Blend are organic, vegan, gluten-free, and Kosher.

  • Perfect Fermented Kale powder contains vitamins K, C, beta-carotene, and folate, as well as many necessary minerals, and essential omega 3 fatty acids. When kale is fermented, beneficial enzymes and microorganisms are created that promote digestive health. Perfect Fermented Kale is easier to digest than raw kale allowing for better absorption of the nutrient dense richness.
  • Perfect 3 Grass Blend is loaded with vitamins B, C, and K, as well as protein, and the minerals magnesium, potassium, iron, and calcium. Detoxifying, cleansing, blood sugar and blood pressure modulating, Perfect 3 Grass Blend is indeed a super fermented food.


Green Pasture

Green Pasture produces some of the finest and most strictly controlled lactic-acid fermented products available. Free of all synthetic vitamins or additives, and tested repeatedly for contaminants, Green Pasture products harken back to some of the most revered fermented foods in traditional cultures.

  • Green Pasture Blue Ice Fermented Cod Liver Oil is Green Pasture’s signature supplement. Packed with easily absorbed, vitamins A, D, E, and K as well as fatty acids for brain and nervous system health, Green Pasture Fermented Cold Liver Oil has been used to increase tooth density and reverse tooth decay. It has high anti-inflammatory action to help with everything from arthritis to skin irritations. A calming agent to the nervous system, Fermented Cod Liver Oil may be useful in treating depression and ADHD. Cod liver oil is an exceptional source of natural D3, which is known to be critical for a strong immune system. Fermented Cod Liver Oil can help regulate blood sugar, making it a necessity for diabetics looking for natural treatments. With all these benefits and more, Green Pasture Fermented Cod Liver Oil is one of nature’s most healing super foods.
  •  Blue Ice Royal Blend is made by Green Pasture of 1/3 X-Factor Gold High Vitamin Butter Oil and 2/3 Blue Ice Fermented Cod Liver Oil for ultimate healing power. Dr. Weston A. Price believed that butter made from cows grazing on fresh grass contained the miraculous “Activator X” which, when combined with Fermented Cod Liver Oil, was truly exceptional in its healing potential. Today we recognize the “Activator X” was pure and bioavailable vitamin K2. Blue Ice Royal Blend offers pasture butter oil and fermented cod liver oil in easy to swallow capsules or in a gel.
  • Skate Liver Oil is fermented by Green Pasture as an alternative to Cod Liver Oil for pregnant women primarily because of its extremely high DHA content which aids in fetal development. People with cardiovascular issues may also prefer Skate Liver Oil to Cod because it does not interfere with blood clotting. It is richer in vitamin E than Cod Liver Oil and is a terrific source of vitamin K, the “activator” vitamin discovered by Dr. Weston A. Price. It is widely used to help decalcify the pineal gland.
  • Green Pasture Blue Ice Calm Balm combines their signature Fermented Cod Liver Oil with X-Factor Gold High Vitamin Butter Oil and menthol camphor for fast penetrating pain relief. An all-natural sore muscle rub and topical congestion remedy, Calm Balm is enriched with essential oils, coconut oil, and shea butter.  It soothes aching muscles and joints as well as clearing stuffy heads from colds or allergies. Since it is an all-natural product, it is safe to use on children.
  • Green Pasture Beauty Balm is a healing cleanser and moisturizer. It combines Fermented Cod Liver Oil and High Vitamin Butter Oil with Blue Breeze Organic Virgin Coconut Oil and other emollients and essential oils. It can be used on the face and also on the feet, skin, and lips for all-natural hydration. Treat acne breakouts, wrinkles, sunspots, rashes, and eczema with Beauty Balm for smoother, naturally clean skin. Green Pasture Beauty Balm is a wonderful way to infuse the skin with nutrients since the vitamins and amino acids are absorbed through the skin. Treat yourself to glowing, healthy skin and a more even complexion with hypoallergenic Beauty Balm.

Fermentation Heals What Ails Us

Fermented foods offer us the intergenerational wisdom of traditional cultures who relied on these precious nutrients to strengthen and heal their bodies. With our modern diet so lacking in nutrients from poor eating habits as well as the degradation of our food supply, it has become essential that we add fermented foods into our diets again. Perhaps the easiest and safest way to do this is through supplementation with the highest quality fermented supplements. Nourishing World is pleased to be your source for fermented health solutions!












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